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Nakup psa : Kaj se dogaja z bosanskimi in srbskimi psi?
Dodal/a jana 15.7.2018 10:25:11 (16011 prebrano)

Kaj se dogaja z bosanskimi in srbskimi psi?

Slovenske živalovarstvene organizacije, ki se prvenstveno ali le občasno ukvarjajo z 'reševanjem' psov iz Bosne in Srbije, so tiho. Slovenski aktivisti so tiho. Njihovi podporniki so tiho. Vsi vedo, kaj se dogaja 'tam', a so tiho. Tiho so o vsakodnevnem dogajanju, tiho so o smrti petih bosanskih psov v pregretem avtomobilu v romunskem Aradu, ki bi morali z ilegalnim transportom in verjetno ponarejenimi dokumenti odpotovati v Anglijo 'v novo življenje' (klik). Tiho so o rednih transportih iz Bosne čez Romunijo, Madžarsko in naprej na zahod, pa tudi o transportih čez ali v Slovenijo. Tiho so o boleznih, dvojnih čipih, ki niso nikamor vpisani, o odstranjevanju čipov, o ponarejenih dokumentih. Tiho so o dogajanjih v 'pansionih', o tisoče evrov mesečno pobranih donacij za to, da so psi med čakanjem na posvojitelje in transport pogosto nabasani v kleteh, drvarnicah, kletkah ali gajbah, z minimalno hrane in brez druge oskrbe. Tiho so ... Menda edino oni vedo, kako je 'tam'. Pa so tiho.

Tiho so tudi, ko se sem pripeljani in stravmirani psi v novih domovih ne znajdejo, ko pobegnejo in jih nihče ne išče, ali ugriznejo in jim nihče ne pomaga, ko jih posvojitelji spustijo 'v gmajno' ali oddajo v zavetišče, kjer so vse življenje ulične svobode vajeni reveži zaprti v boksih in zanje ni posvojiteljev.

Spregovorijo takrat, ko objavljajo krvave slike, video posnetke in zgodbe skupaj s paypal ali TRR podatki za nakazila donacij. Pa takrat, ko je po njihovem mnenju treba napasti vse, ki smo kadarkoli podvomili v 'reševanje' jugo psov. In takrat, ko razkazujejo svojo 'transparentnost' z objavo računov in spiskov o porabljenih sredstvih ter dokazujejo svojo uspešnost s slikami 'iz krasnih domov'. Ter, seveda, spregovorijo tudi takrat, ko govoričijo o preprodajalcih in šteparjih posameznim pasmam podobnih psov brez rodovnikov ter lastnikih slovenskih zavetišč kot krivcih za vse slovenske zavetiške in druge pasje ter živalovarstvene težave.

Tistih, ki prihajajo v Bosno in Srbijo živalim v pomoč in ki ponujajo preverjeno učinkovite dolgoročne rešitve (Dogs Trust, SVSP, ...), ne marajo, ker delajo le po določenih mestih in ne povsod, ker imajo s seboj študente in dijake, ker sodelujejo z oblastmi in zavetišči, ker ... Radi imajo le tiste, ki brez vprašanj in pripomb odpirajo svoje denarnice. In tiste, ki brez vprašanj in pripomb posvajajo ... Pa tiste, ki jim vzklikajo "najboljši ste!"

Če se boste prebili skozi vse informacije v nadaljevanju, boste bliže spoznanjem, zakaj je tako.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

Kljub vsemu se odnos do 'reševanja' uličnih psov v javnosti počasi le spreminja. Brezglavo posvajanje 'rešencev' pri nas ni več tako popularno kot pred leti, saj so slovenski domovi že (pre)polni posvojenih uličnih psov (menda so v Slovenijo v zadnjih letih 'uvozili' skoraj 25.000 psov), pa tudi ljudje so se naveličali vsakodnevnega agresivnega čustvenega izsiljevanja po družabnih omrežjih in se oddaljili od spremljanja delovanja aktivistov. Nekateri so se pri posvojitvah, donacijah ali drugačni pomoči v preteklih letih opekli in sedaj ne želijo več pomagati nikomur. Mnoge je v zadnjem času k razmisleku pozval tudi primer bosanske psice Dane (klik), kjer se bodo med seboj javno (in menda na sodiščih) 'pobili' pod pretvezo, da gre za dobrobit težko invalidne živali, očitno pa se v ozadju odvija boj za nekaj tisoč evrov (morda celo nekaj deset tisoč), ki so jih zbrali za njeno okrevanje. Zdaj je pred nami blog Barnaby Longdog in prepričana sem, da bo njegova vloga za širše razumevanje dogajanja prelomna.

Tole objavljam v rubriki 'nakup psa' zato, ker tudi v Sloveniji ljudje pod pretvezo reševanja kupujejo pasmam podobne pse z bosanskih in srbskih ulic.

Namesto uvoda

Srbski 'jazbečar' Mr. Barnaby Longdog je 8. 3. 2018 prišel v UK z enim od mnogih ilegalnih transportov in z romunskim potnim listom ter romunskim čipom. Ni bil cepljen proti steklini in ni bil tretiran proti notranjim zajedavcem, čeprav piše v ponarejenih dokumentih drugače in sta drugače trdila tako Dejan iz Srbije, ki je Barnabyja kot 'rešenčka prodal' v UK, kot romunska veterinarka, ki mu je dodala romunski čip in romunske dokumente. Po prihodu v angleški Litchfeild ga je neka Kristina ponudili na prodaj v facebook skupini Dachshunds Needing Homes (UK). Kot 'rešenega jazbečarja' ga je kupila Natalie, ki ob spoznanju, da z Barnabyjevim zdravjem ni vse v redu in da podatki v njegovih dokumentih ne držijo, ni zamižala na obe očesi, kot stori večina, temveč je začela s postopkom resnične legalizacije njegovega nadaljnega bivanja v UK. Tako je Barnaby pristal v 4-mesečni angleški karanteni, Natalie pa se je s svojo hčerko Nicole lotila iskanja informacij ter boja proti zaslužkarjem in goljufom, ki se z brezdomnimi psi mastno finančno okoriščajo ter zdravstveno ogrožajo pse in ljudi po vsej Evropi. Vse je prijavila pristojnim in začela pisati blog. Navaja imena, kraje, zneske, podatke, objavlja 'posnetke' izjav, odgovorov na vprašanja in debat, razlaga predpise in postopke, ... Iz vsega materiala dela povsem jasne in nedvoumne zaključke.

Ocena je, da je bilo v zadnjih letih iz EU v UK komercialno uvoženih 20,000-30,000 psov na leto. Leta 2013 jih je bilo le 1,869. Večina je 'rešenih psov' iz Romunije, Bosne, Srbije in Bolgarije, vozijo jih do 50 v posameznem transportu. Mnogi so s ponarejenimi dokumenti, necepljeni in okuženi s črevesnimi nalezljivimi boleznimi (več o ehinokoku, s katerim je bil okužen tudi Barnaby in ki se prenaša na ljudi, je tukaj).

Za prebivalce UK Nicole organizira kampanijo Barnaby's Law, v kateri zbira podpise peticije 'On exit of EU, enact law to require rabies titer for dogs entering without owner'. Več tukaj.

Ker je bilo potrebno za Barnabyjevo 4-mesečno karanteno in obvezne preiskave ter teste plačati okrog 3.000 angleških funtov, sta zbirali donacije (klik).

Natalie lahko 'od znotraj' raziskuje podrobnosti ilegalnih prevozov, saj je vanje vpletena kot 'kupec' enega od prešvercanih psov. Sodeluje z oblastmi, sproti jim pošilja vse, do česar se dokoplje in v blogih navedeni akterji so ji za objavljene materiale že grozili.

V nadaljevanju bom po vrsti navedla dosedanje ključne objave. Najprej naslov in datum, potem citat kakšnega odstavka s povdarki, ponekod tudi posnetek s strani in na koncu povezavo do posamezne objave, kjer najdete mnogo več navedb, posnetkov debat, razlag in drugih materialov. Prevajala ne bom, ker vsega ne gre prevajati, posamezni zapisi pa so uporabni predvsem skupaj s celoto, priloženimi posnetki in dodanimi komentarji. Pomembno je, da si iz vsega razpoložljivega sami ustvarite sliko. Le tako boste lahko potem sami in brez čustvenih pritiskov ocenjevali objave, ko vam bodo prišle v prihodnje pred oči, postavljali prava vprašanja, gledali prave vrstice v dokumentih in se pri iskanju boljšega jutri za živali in zase prav odločali.

Jana Pahovnik
15. julij 2018

Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

Hi I'm Mr Barnaby Longdog
April 18, 2018

On the 10th of March 2018, I arrived on a van into the UK ...
I wasn't looking my best when I arrived, my dew claw had been torn at some point and had to be removed and my mum was worried about my castration wound as the stitches were too tight and the wound infected so she took me to the vets.
Just as I was settling into my new life, going for walks, trying to catch the otters in the lake and the water voles in the river, my mum saw a thing called a tape worm. Apparently I shouldn't have had them as I was supposed to have been wormed before coming to the UK. The reason for this is a worm called echinococcus granulosus ...

It turned out that a man called Dejan, who regularly advertises dogs for sale on the facebook group, is from Serbia and there are a lot of different rules when we want to travel to other countries. Up to 69% of dogs in Serbia have this worm so we MUST be wormed. Rabies is also a concern though not as high as 10 years ago, it is still classed as a high risk country and so we must have a thing called an FAVN test along with our passport and microchip. It takes 4 months from our rabies vaccination until we can legally leave the country.

Now, Serbia is a lovely country but there are a lot of us dogs and not enough humans to look after us so many of us have very bad lives there and unfortunately, there are some very bad people who think it's a good idea to pretend to be "dog rescuers" and ship us overseas to the UK and some of us end up in Germany, Austria and even the USA. For them, we are a way to make money and the less they have to spend, the more they make and the quicker they can ship us off. So instead of packing us off to our new homes with a passport and the correct treatments and test, they send us with what my mum called fake passports, I will explain.

I came over with a passport but it was Romanian. The passport said I had been vaccinated and wormed but I hadn't, Dejan and his friends had paid a vet to write the numbers in my passport, stamp and sign it as though I had seen the vet in Romania. I had a microchip but that was Romanian as well and wasn't entered into the database by the vet.

When my mum realised this, she spoke with my vet, trading standards and they spoke with a man she called DEFRA! Before I knew it, I was put in doggie jail and my mum was crying and saying goodbye.

Več na

Echinococcus & Falsified passports
April 18, 2018

When a dog is microchipped, the vet should enter the details into the countries database, this connects the vet who microchipped the animal, the passport number and the chip number. As many dogs from abroad are being brought in with false details in their passport, no vet wants to be connected to that (they can explain away their signature or stamp as being forged but not how it was entered in the system under their name) as they risk losing their license. In our instance and most of the dogs being brought in from Serbia, the chips are being inserted by the rescuers themselves, some of these are very cheap "imported" chips that do not even scan but all of them will not be entered into the database. When the chip is canned, it will register as being the same number as on the passport and as with ours, might provide the country the chip is from but no further information as it is not officially registered in the Romanian database.

In Serbia, up to 69.23% of dogs have this worm depending on the region and whether the dogs are rural or urban. That means potentially 69 out of every 100 dogs being brought in from Serbia could have this worm. My dog was not treated for tapeworm in Serbia or Romania, his passport states he was but he wasn't.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Quarantine Order
April 18, 2018

... The most frustrating aspect is that dogs can be re-homed from Serbia legally, it's just not as profitable to the dog smugglers.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Sad, sad day
April 26, 2018

My titer results came back and ... I have never seen a rabies vaccination in my life My results were zilch, nada, nothing. That means I have to do my full term in jail but it also means APHA have to take action against Dejan Savic, Marinela Tudor and the vet who signed I had been vaccinated, Dr Dinca Florin Stelian from Arad.

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Wags N Wet Noses
April 26, 2018

Wags N Wet Noses previously ran an operation involving Irish rescue dogs, they now specialise in "Balkan" dogs though these are Serbian dogs and not Hungarian or Bosnian as claimed. Like Barnaby, her dogs come through the illegal route with Romanian or Hungarian passports and are suspected of not being vaccinated or wormed.

Another on a Hungarian passport having been told the dog spent 4 months in Hungary for "health checks" again, no titer and regardless of whether Wendy's 4 month doggie spa story is true, that dog should have a Serbian microchip and FAVN (titer) result. Any owner with a Serbian dog can check the titer results online If you have a Serbian dog and your chip number does not show a result in here, time to start asking questions!

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Clarification of titer results
April 30, 2018

Barnaby's 'unofficial result' which will be confirmed next week was <0.01 meaning he has failed and it is considered a high probability that he has never seen a rabies vaccination. Considering Dejan claims he vaccinated him then 'the queen of trafficking' Marinela Tudor says she gave him a further vaccination, Barnaby supposedly had two rabies vaccinations in March of this year yet his level is <0.01.

Hopefully this will stop the gossip and nonsense being spoken on groups this morning because I have had enough. I have been accused of all sorts, called names, threatened, lies about my daughter have been circulating ...

Več na

Please Be Aware when re-homing Serbian dogs
April 30, 2018

The reality:
The majority of Serbian dogs come to the UK on falsified passports from other countries such as Bosnia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
In general; though there are exceptions to this but should a dog qualify for these exceptions, I doubt it would be a rescue dog, a Serbian dog should have a Serbian microchip number beginning 688, a Serbian passport, a CVED and FAVN (rabies titer test) results certificate.
You can check the results of the FAVN on the Serbian FAVN database here.

If your dog has a Romanian microchip and a Romanian passport, it is highly likely that your dog was smuggled, illegally, out of Serbia. Further, it is likely your dog was not vaccinated against rabies or wormed.

Most of the illegal dogs are chipped in Serbia with Romanian chips. The passports are prepared by Romanian vets who sign and stamp the passports without, at times, even seeing the dog. Several TRACE units in Romania are involved and knowingly enter the dogs onto traces which allows complicit transporters to bring them to the UK.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Morals and Ethics of the chocolate seller
May 01, 2018

You might not like or agree with how I am handling the mess Barnaby and I were thrown into a month ago but too many people have known about this for a number of years and failed to even attempt to stop it. In what other business or profession is it justifiable to act illegally? I have people contacting me for advise, some very worried and scared dog owners and whilst I do not mind, in the least, helping those people, this is the mess of those who were complicit and yet here I am cleaning it up for you.

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Police Report 02/05/2018
May 02, 2018

Unfortunately, yesterday the hatred, bullying and harassment got to the point where I listened to those who have been telling me to report it for weeks and contacted the police.

A report has been made against five people for harassment, libel, bullying, inciting hatred and threatening comments.

Below is a sample of the abuse I have received and be advised ...

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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The hypocrisy that is Sandra Zecevic
03, 2018

So, this is Sandra, who lives in Serbia and with the aid of a woman from the USA, brings illegal dogs into the UK then tries to justify it!

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Illegal dog trafficking, the problem but what is the solution?
May 03, 2018

In this post I will try to explain the extent of the crack in the TRACES and pet passport systems and hopefully you will understand why I seem hell bent on ensuring APHA re-evaluate the effectiveness of these systems.

I will focus on Romania and Serbia but this is also relevant to many other countries as on this journey I had discovered or heard of dogs being illegally trafficked from as far away as China.

The minimum monthly wage in Serbia is £250/month the average £335. A profit of even £40 on each dog makes "rescuing" a profitable business. If they cut corners and do not vaccinate or worm, their profits increase. Then there are the perks of fund raising, usually for more than what is required and that's if the fund raiser is actually genuine in the first place. For example, prices for boarding dogs range from £3-10 a day, £10 for the most expensive and luxurious facilities. So why are there so many fund raisers claiming the dog has debts of hundreds of pounds for a short stay in a "pension" or vets fees of £500 for an operation that cost less than £200? So yes, sadly there is money to be made. Whilst there might be some genuine rescuers bringing the dogs out illegally, the fact they are doing so and that many are in it purely for the money, makes it difficult to see the wood from the trees!

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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The reality of rabies, echinococcus and the consequences"
May 09, 2018

Based on the number of vans and transport runs bringing dogs from Romania (including the Serbian and Bosnian dogs) we are looking at approximately 20,000 dogs brought to the UK each year. Based on the study below, that means over 10,000 dogs could be entering the country with no or inadequate rabies immunity. As approximately 4,000 of these would appear not to have been vaccinated, we must question whether these same dogs were wormed or are they potentially carrying the echinococcus worm?

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Wendy Feather and Dea Bella Wags n Wet Noses Pozega Humanimal dogs"
May 11, 2018

These dogs illegally left Serbia to be collected in Romania and given Romanian passports before being sent to the UK.

... The above messages are discussing meetings in Timisoara at a petrol station to pick up the Serbian dogs before travelling to the UK. The transporters have their "new" Romanian passports ready and waiting for them having been sent their chip numbers and details in advance. Doesn't always go smoothly as the message about the dog with two chips shows and yes Dea, you were right on that one, that dog should never have travelled onto the UK but in fact, none of these dogs should have!

Why shouldn't it be stamped in the passport Dea? So the first failed attempt at crossing into Hungary doesn't get picked up on, or so the passport can be used again by another dog? ... The best of it though is Nejira who is from Bosnia, so Bosnian dogs crossing to Serbia to cross to Hungary then put on Romanian TRACES.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Dejan Savic Dog Rescuing God or Scammer & Illegal Trafficker"
May 13, 2018

Myth: Dejan was a kind, loving person who rescued street dogs and sent them to a better life.
Truth: Dejan found a way to make easy money as over time he cut corners to maximise profit. Many dogs came from breeders. In one chat below you will see him talking about selling dogs for a friend. Note the Pure bred St Bernards and boxer pups who were too young (under 7 months) to even leave Serbia. Or the 9 Dachhunds? Do you honestly believe these were found on the streets?

Myth: Dejan worked tirelessly for free
Truth: Dejan charged £250-£280 per dog. Internal transport was approximately £100/vehicle. 4-5 dogs in each vehicle. Falsified passport, traces and transport to the UK averaged £150. Castration and neutering, approximately £20 if done at a vets, free if dogs castrated by the rescuer. £170-£195 per dog. A profit of £55-£110 made on each dog. As per the messages, Dejan estimates sending 25 dogs twice a month, a potential profit of £2750-£5500, undeclared income. This does not include the various donations and fund raisers - not a bad undeclared income in a country where the minimum wage is £250 per month. Yet Dejan cut corners by sending un-neutered dogs, un-vaccinated dogs and un-wormed dogs. So did he really love the animals or was this, like many of those I have come across, simply a case of profiting out of the dogs!

Please share this as much as possible. All evidence has and is being passed to DEFRA and APHA however, any change in our import laws will not be immediate and we have the ability to raise awareness of this issue and hopefully prevent illegal Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Ukrainian dogs coming into our country. If those involved are willing to bypass their countries regulations and send these dogs on fake passports, what other corners are they cutting?

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Dachshunds Needing Homes Jan Seamons THE TRUTH"
May 18, 2018

Well, this is where it all started for Barnaby and me. A facebook group Dachshunds Needing Homes and one of their admin Jan Seamons.

My involvement with Jan started when she openly posted on DNH that I had stolen Barnaby from Dejan and should return him or the police would be involved.

... Jan is being told in December last year that Dejan was smuggling dogs, that dogs were not vaccinated and about sick dogs being homed. If you don't think there is anything wrong with this, that's your prerogative. Personally, I do as had she or DNH acted on that information, Dejan would not have been able to advertise Barnaby in January and Barnaby would probably still be with his original Serbian family (which included a young girl) and not in quarantine.

(As a FB group of over 10,000 members, admin have great influence and therefore responsibilities. Should they choose to promote and support a foreign rescuer that is their decision. When one of Dejans UK homecheckers tells them Dejan is smuggling dogs and sending non vaccinated dogs, morally and ethically they could have and should have taken action.)

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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You did it! Funds Raised and Barnaby will be coming home - THANK YOU"
May 18, 2018

We are currently talking with organisations and individuals in the UK, Serbia and Romania. This issue is so complex that it requires new legislation to effect change and that is a long and slow process. In regards to this, we will be campaigning and petitioning for Barnaby's Law. The law would mean a maximum of 5 dogs could be commercially exported in one vehicle at anytime, alternatively, all dogs except those travelling with owners would require rabies titer results before entry to the UK.

Neither options will prevent all illegal importations but by making it less profitable, it should cut out those in the "rescue business" for financial gain and not for the love of the dogs.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Illegal Transporters Part 1 Bota Bogdan - Laurentia Ellas Paws
May 20, 2018

This post involves the transport side of the illegal dog smuggling. Many were/are involved and so I ask you bear with me as it will be a work in progress and I might post separate blogs for each transporter. As you read through, you might also recognise other names of UK rescues who have not been previously mentioned, they will be in a later update post.

The transport is an integral part of the whole network. Vans typically bring between 30-50 dogs at a time and the journey is typically 28-30 hours though some have told me of the total travel time for some dogs being as long as 72 hours.

Bota is the transport who brought Barnaby into the UK with a fake Romanian passport and no rabies vaccination.
Bota has been bring illegal dogs to the UK for a number of years and even after Barnaby was quarantined, he continued to do so.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Marinela (Maria) Tudor Paws United Arad and Dr Dinca Florin Stelian
May 22, 2018

You have to understand the money involved to realise why this corruption exists. In some cases, local governments are funding these shelters to the tune of approximately 20,000 euro a month. In GBP terms, that is approximately £120,000 each month. Yet, despite sterilisation campaigns and tens of thousands of dogs being rehomed throughout Europe each year, the number of dogs do not appear to be decreasing.

In addition to local funding, these units benefit from overseas donations, fees for dogs put through traces and selling passports. If the problem of stray dogs was resolved, these people would be out of business.

So Marinela doesn't want me talking about this and even asked somebody to shut me up, why Marinela if you are not doing anything illegal?

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Kendra Pinder - AAFA and now Bosnian & Serbian dogs & Dejan Savic
May 28, 2018

... chat is very interesting as why would you send a dog out the country to have it's chip removed? Why would you be in such an obvious panic to do so? I suppose, hypothetically, you would want to do so if the dog was stolen from "the drunk" and pressure was being applied to produce the dog to have it's chip read. Maybe it was renamed before having a passport made so she could leave the UK? Why then did it go from one chip to plural, chips had to be removed. Who knows, perhaps trading standards and the police can work it as it is all very strange ...

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Dea Bella Pozega Dogs Humanimals Serbia Balkans yet again
May 29, 2018

You (Dea, o.p.) advertise a pup as being ready to leave Serbia once it's 6 months old. That is illegal as well you know. To be compliant with UK import regs, the earliest the pup can be rabies vaccinated is 12 weeks, then a 1 month wait then titer test (FAVN) then a further 3 month wait. Pups can NOT leave Serbia until they are 7 months old.

Further, you are sending dogs without a UK RBU and that is simply irresponsible. You are aware of the dogs who have been sent over and bitten children? Who have attacked adopters other pets? Who have arrived with serious health conditions? So what happens in these cases, the owner is left to cope with the situation and you wash your hands of it?

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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Kendra Pinder do the right thing and return the stolen dog TIGGATWO to her owner
May 30, 2018

At the time of my post on Kendra Pinder, I knew she had a stolen dog, the dog was female, black and white and a breed similar to a French bulldog. The dog had been stolen early in 2017 and the chats with Kendra showed she was trying desperately to have one chip, then two chips removed as well as arranging a passport for the stolen dog to take it out of the UK.

Once my post went live, dog lovers all over the country got to work. Posts were put up on lost dog sites, FB pages, photos were being sent back and forward to witnesses who had seen the dog when in Kendra's possession. It was truly heartening to see genuine animal lovers, some who struggle to get their voices heard when speaking out against people such as Kendra, working together for the animals.

Well this time you will be heard as in less than 24 hours, the dogs owner had been found and evidence linking the dog to AAFA and Kendra Pinder.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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How can Bosnian dogs brought to the UK be illegal? "
June 08, 2018

Sneaking dogs across to Hungary in a car to be put in a Romanian van on Romanian traces IS NOT complying with the Balai conditions and is illegal.

The consequences of this is that dogs who are not well enough to travel or who are carrying diseases are being brought to the UK and nobody can guarantee that they have been vaccinated or wormed or are free of disease.

The UK rescues involved have, in my opinion, no excuse for being complicit in this illegal trade. Regulations are there for a reason and Bosnian dogs can be brought over far easier than Serbian dogs can so it's simply a case that it's "easier" and cheaper" this way.

Individuals are less likely to be aware of the regulations but again, if you are going to the expense and trouble of adopting from abroad, spend ten minutes online and learn how your dog can be brought in legally then find a rescue who abides by the law instead of a smuggler who only cares about their profit margin!

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Claudiu Ciurea Jane Turner Bogdan Grimling and "The Boys"
June 13, 2018

The pet passport scheme was set up to allow dogs to travel with their owners. The assumption is that owners will ensure their dogs are in good health, that they are vaccinated, wormed etc as they care for their beloved pets.

It is being abused by Bosnian "rescuers" who use falsified Bosnian passports to take dogs to Hungary where they meet with transporters coming from Romania, they are put on Romanian traces with Romanian passports.

As with Serbian dogs, they do this because it is cheaper, in many cases they do not vaccinate the dogs or worm them, the dogs do not have to be checked by a vet or obtain a health certificate - if brought out legally they would have to do so.

It sickens me to hear of dogs near starvation being brought over, dogs covered in hundreds of ticks, dogs dying on route or shortly after their arrival because so called rescuers - despite receiving thousands in donations and adoption fees - have never sought treatment for the dogs. And how on earth can dogs who have been with rescuers for weeks be on the point of starvation. These people are not rescuers and those working with them, allowing this vile trade to continue are just as bad.

So £5 for a Bosnian passport, no, that's the fake Romanian passport so the dog can be put on Romanian traces. Frustratingly, this is how most Bosnian dogs are still smuggled out instead of coming to the UK legally and UK rescues have to start taking responsibility.

To stop this illegal trade, rescuers and fosters in the UK need to refuse to accept dogs without the correct documentation. Transporters need to refuse to carry them and trace units need to stop selling passports and chips. Only by doing so will rescuers start following the correct procedures! Those supporting this illegal trade should be ashamed of themselves for putting animals and humans in the UK at risk unnecessarily and it needs to STOP.

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Dogs as live animal imports - why are we doing this?

Some transporters limit numbers to 35-40 dogs per van. Others cram in up to 50 dogs, think about that for a minute, 50 dogs and cages fitted into a transit van. I have been told by transporters that on runs where dogs are dropped off on route at owners homes, the journey can take 2-3 days as dogs are dropped off across Europe before entering the UK. Dogs going to the North of Scotland can sometimes spend a further day in the van. Consider also that some vans have no air con or heating and that temperatures can get as cold as -30 and as hot as 40+.

Some transports claim to do the journey from Romania to the UK in 25 hours, this includes stops in Europe to drop dogs on route. Many have only one driver meaning that driver has completed a 20 hour journey, with stop offs in 25 hours.

So is it always in the best interest of the dog? Considering the deaths of dogs from a suspected heart attack, overheating, the pups brought in last November when all three had parvo virus, the dog with distemper and the numerous tales of dogs with broken limbs, hernias, covered in ticks, torn claws and more. I would have to say no it isn't.

This is one of the problems with dogs being given falsified documents. Instead of being checked by a vet and certified as well enough to travel, dogs with health problems are being given passports and put on traces having never seen a vet thus subjecting sometimes seriously ill dogs or dogs in extreme pain to an excruciating journey. If something does go wrong, the people involved are likely to attempt to cover it up as the dogs are not legal.

Also consider, is it better that dogs with aggression problems or street dogs who will never live in a home make the grueling journey here only to be put in a UK shelter then euthanised or to escape and then get injured or killed?

With the vast amounts of money being raised by "rescues", there surely has to be a better way forward. Invest it in improving shelters, spaying campaigns, education programmes? Unfortunately, it appears that international rescue has become an extremely profitable business and many are no longer focused on the dogs welfare.

vir Barnaby Longdog - fighting against illegal dog importing

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